Charlotte Community Association
General Membership Meeting Minutes
March 2, 2015, 7 pm
Robach Community Center


To build a stronger community and to enhance the lives of our residents by providing a forum for sharing information, connecting neighbors and stakeholders, and fostering civic engagement while preserving and promoting the heritage of the Village of Charlotte.

Welcome, Pledge of Allegiance

CCA member Maureen Staves led the group in the Pledge of Allegiance.

Call to Order; Attendance

Present: Clare Stortini, president, Susan Miller, treasurer, Pamela Postgate, secretary, Patti O’Brien, director, Sue Roethel, director, Brian Labigan, director.

President Clare Stortini called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm.

Approval of January 5, 2015 General Meeting Minutes

Clare announced that there were copies of the 1/05/15 meeting minutes available at the sign in table. Clare noted due to time constraints & length of the minutes, she asked those in attendance to review minutes after meeting, either by hard copy or online, on the CCA web page, and provide any feedback to CCA at It was noted initiatives were underway to disseminate minutes electronically to CCA members in advance. Clare requested for item # 11 on page 7 to be revised to reflect the following: Ron Penders, NW NSC Administrator recommended inviting Gary Kirkmire, Director of Inspection and Compliance Services for the City of Rochester, NY to do a presentation on vacant homes and code compliance related concerns.

Clare asked for an individual that was present at the 1/05/15 meeting to make a motion to approve the minutes. A motion was made to approve the minutes with this revision noted, motion was seconded, and the motion was carried.

President’s Report

Clare thanked everyone for attending this evening, and for understanding that last month’s meeting was cancelled due to inclement weather. She noted this evening’s agenda is very full agenda and the board understands if someone needs to leave early before adjournment.

Clare announced that she just learned guest speaker, Dr. Bolgen Vargas, Superintendent of Schools, Rochester City School District, is unable to be here this evening.

Although each CCA member should have received the newsletter, and noticed the announcement regarding the Special Community Meeting for 3/30/15 at 7 pm, CCA wants to makes sure everyone is aware of this meeting. It’s an opportunity to begin discussions about future planning for all of Charlotte and the potential for a Vision plan – it’s really up to what the community wants and the CCA board wanted to bring forth information the community could use. The CCA board is excited to bring this information to the community and wants to make sure everyone is able to attend 3/30/15 to find out more. Flyers regarding this Special Community Meeting were made available. The meeting will be facilitated by Joni Monroe, Executive Director and Roger Brown, Creative Consultant of Community Design Center of Rochester (CDCR).

Clare recognized Pam Postgate this evening for serving as Secretary. Clare informed those in attendance this evening that Pam has made the difficult decision to step down as Secretary but will remain as a Director for a two-­‐year term. Sue Roethel has graciously agreed to move into the Secretarial role effective tomorrow (3/03/15) for a two-­‐year term as well. Clare thanked both Pam and Sue for their service.

On behalf of the CCA Board, Brian Labigan and Clare Stortini recognized and thanked Joe Hinchman, Dan Brothers and Marie Poinan for their service to the CCA. They were presented with a Certificate of Recognition and a gift certificate of thanks. Brian noted how grateful the CCA board is for all the efforts by volunteers and how necessary they are to keep a vibrant community going forward. He encouraged anyone who is interested in being a volunteer to please step forward.

Clare reviewed some ground rules for speakers this evening. It was reviewed each speaker will have 25 minutes to present, followed by 10 minutes of questions. Clare urged attendees to please refrain from asking questions until the end of each presentation. Clare also asked that questions remain relevant to the subject matter and to be mindful of other members waiting to speak.

Update from the Rochester Police department (RPD)

Clare introduced the new Lieutenant assigned to the Northwest Neighborhood Service Center (NSC), Lt. Jeff Koehn. Crime Prevention Officers (CPOs) Jason Blanchard and Kelly O’Hara were in attendance as well. Lt. Koehn introduced himself and explained he is a 24-­‐year veteran of the Rochester Police Department and comes to us from the Eastside. Lt Koehn can be reached at the NSC (585) 428-­‐7620. CPO Blanchard reported that there are no crime patterns being investigated in Charlotte at this time but encouraged everyone to report when they see something out of the ordinary. CPO Blanchard also noted the Police and Citizens Interaction Committee (PCIC) meeting is a good meeting to attend for a more in depth discussion about what goes on in the neighborhood as RPD reviews specific data. The next meeting is 3/17/15, 7pm at Aquinas Institute. CPO Blanchard also noted the St. Patty’s Day parade is coming up on 3/14/15.

Guest Speakers:

The Leadership Academy for Young Men

In the absence of Dr. Bolgen Vargas, Principal Wakili Moore, current principal of The Leadership Academy for Young Men introduced himself and four students from the academy. He introduced Kevin Vellon, a senior at the Academy. Kevin is Valedictorian of the 1st graduating class from the academy. He expressed his gratitude for what has been a wonderful experience for him and his classmates. He spoke about his desires to be a doctor and the opportunity the Academy gave him to work as a patient-­‐care tech at Rochester General, and applauded the mentoring he had received at the Academy through the STEP program at the University of Rochester.

Principal Moore went on to introduce the other students in attendance that were in dress uniform as part of the ROTC program at the Academy. Principal Moore will be meeting with CCA board members Clare Stortini and Sue Miller on March 8, 2015 regarding how our community can best work with the students of the Academy, and vice versa. Clare welcomed the students into the community and noted the CCA would like their participation to assist with our fundraising and other community projects, including Clean Sweep and Kite Flight.

Mitch Rowe, City Planning & Zoning

Clare introduced Mitch, Director of Planning and Zoning, City of Rochester. Mr. Rowe set out the parameters for which he was there to cover and what he was not. He was there to discuss how the 2012 Zoning Code addressed the Marina District and Phase One development of the Port of Rochester project.

Dr. Bolgen Vargas, RCSD

At 7:39 pm Dr. Vargas arrived. Mr. Rowe took a seat and graciously welcomed Dr. Vargas to speak.

Dr. Vargas spoke about the students and praised Principal Moore.   He spoke about the decision to close Charlotte High School to make room for the Academy to expand. He said the school couldn’t work alone stating the need for families and community to be a part of the experience. He noted the importance of supply meaningful work for the students and the school will be hiring some of the students for positions around the school. He reviewed the importance of catching children early in life with meaningful education, especially solid literacy training. He spoke about his 5-­‐part strategy to improve the City of Rochester schools. The strategy includes:

  1. Full-­‐day Pre-­‐K
  2. Six weeks of summer programs for Pre-­‐K and Kindergarten
  3. Expanding the school days and no more early release days
  4. Full-­‐day kindergarten
  5. Summer learning programs including adult literacy programs

Dr. Vargas noted the need for more structure for families, the use of neighborhood schools and strong literacy programs are critical components. He pointed out that our School 42 is open to all resident children of Charlotte. Dr. Vargas then took questions from the attending neighbors. There was a positive response to this discussion. Students have taken part in community activities in the past, noting their work on the Lighthouse and the Charlotte cemetery. Members expressed their hope the Academy will continue the legacy of Charlotte High School with a focus on community and academic excellence.

Mitch Rowe, City Planning & Zoning (cont’d)

Mitch Rowe returned to his presentation. The May 2012 Marine District Zoning plans were adopted by the Rochester City Council without a lot of contention at that time. Mr. Rowe listed the key components of the Edgewater Resources plans that are in review:

  1. Ten story building including a 2-­‐story podium (the base) and eight floor tower.
  2. Fifty-­‐two hotel rooms
  3. 18 condominiums
  4. Commercial space on the first floor and
  5. Outdoor dining area
  6. 58 parking spaces (51 of which are proposed to be underground)

Mr. Rowe went on to say that there are nine areas where these plans are not in compliance and he enumerated these areas. The following deficiencies have been reviewed by the City with Greg Weycamp from Edgewater Resources as well.

  1. Sitting of podium (required build line up to public right-­‐of-­‐ways)
  2. Podium needs to be set back 30′
  3. Tower not centered on podium
  4. Tower cannot sit on more than 40% of podium (Edgewater’s plan is 49%)
  5. Top 2 stories need to be significantly different in design from those below it
  6. “Transparency” -­‐ minimum of 25% & maximum of 50% windows (Edgewater’s plan is: east & west are 25%; north & south is mostly solid wall, 11%)
  7. Commercial frontal requirements -­‐ needs to be 3′ (Edgewater’s plan is 18″)
  8. Door to outside required every 75′ (Edgewater’s plan doesn’t comply on Corrigan St.
  9. Parking area -­‐ dumpsters must be set back 30′ (Edgewater’s plan has them up by Lake )

In order to be complaint with the Marina District Zoning code, this will require presenting revised plans to the City’s Bureau of Planning & Zoning and will require Edgewater to apply for a variance(s) and a public hearing will be held by Zoning Board of Appeals if revisions are not made to the plans that have been submitted. Mr. Rowe assumed that Mr. Weycamp is currently using his time to secure financing -­‐ the finishing touches of the plan will be determined by secured funding. He said there have been no approvals of Edgewater’s plans thus far and have been on hold for six to eight weeks. When asked how long this plan can be on hold, members were told the application is good for one year (9/2015). This discussion segued to a reminder of the March 30th meeting with Community Design Center Rochester (CDCR) so that we can begin to discuss a community vision. We asked Mitch Rowe if he would come back to talk with us again and he said he would.

Treasurer’s Report

Treasurer Susan Miller reviewed monthly Income and Expenses and offered hard copies of report to those interested.

Community/Neighborhood Updates & Concerns

Board member Sue Roethel moved to withdraw the following motion made on 1/5/15 to recognize the CHARLOTTE Strong community group and for reps of this group to be invited to attend meetings with the City of Rochester, NY, and Edgewater Resources/Edgemere Development, along with reps of other community organizations/groups associated with Charlotte. Motion was tabled 1/5/15 for further consideration by voting members

Sue Roethel moved for the CCA board to make a formal request in writing to the City and any developer (Marina, Phase I and/or Land/Mixed-­‐Use, Phase II) that any invitations for community participation must be open to the entire community. The motion was seconded and unanimously carried with no opposing discussion.

Marianne Warfle, President of Port of Charlotte Merchants Association (POCMA) requested for community member Matt Juda to report on the Lakeside Farmers’ Market. Matt announced that POCMA would be sponsoring a Farmer’s Market on Monday evenings at the corner of Stutson Street and Lake Avenue. They are in the process of working with the City for approval. They would like to have 10-­‐12 produce and craft vendors, a food truck or two and an area for not-­‐for-­‐ profits as well. They are looking for volunteers and hope to start in June.

Fred Amato – on behalf of the Ontario Beach Park Program Committee (OBPPC), reported on the success of the Lakeside Winter Celebration. This two day event drew big crowds all afternoon Saturday and through the event on Sunday. There were 2429 Plungers and the organization raised $327,000.

Big Bands dance nights to begin with the Gate Swingers on April 1st. The schedule for the season is listed in the CCA Newsletter. The Monroe County Parks Advisory Committee will host a Public Input Workshop for the Seneca Park Zoo Master Plan from 6 -­‐ 8 pm on 3/19 at the Robach Center. Discussion about the Zoo expansion based on the 1991 Master Plan. Fred noted that the Monroe County Parks Advisory Committee has not been here in 7 years -­‐ thanks to Larry Staub, Monroe County Parks for arranging this meeting here in Charlotte at The Roger Robach Community Center.

Ron Penders, NW Neighborhood Service Center Administrator -­‐ spoke about the “2015 City of Rochester Owner-­‐Occupant Roofing Program”.   The first deadline for application submissions is 3/17/15. The details are in the newsletter. Ron asked that the block clubs circulate this information. He also spoke about the “Uplifts” program. Each neighborhood should pick a location to hold this event. The City of Rochester will visit each of these designated areas between May and September and set up a number of programs including: Rec on the Move, Pathways to Peace, Mounted Patrol, RPD canine, fingerprinting for kids, books, health and dental care services.

Tony Micciche, County Legislator -­‐ provided a brief update regarding Monroe County and his trip to Albany in February.

Paula Kosiorek, Office Manager for Senator Joe Robach, reported on programs & updates with the State -­‐ noted that they have state tax forms in her office.

Brian Labigan -­‐ reported on Charlotte Youth Athletic Association (CYAA). Baseball is starting up; signups are a Holy Cross School on Saturdays 3/7, 3/21 and 3/28 10:00 -­‐ 1:00 and Wednesday March 11, 7 -­‐ 9 pm. Please see information in the newsletter.

Standing & Special Committee Reports

Sue Roethel reported on the Communications Committee -­‐ Donna Bour-­‐Purdy has been appointed by the board as Chair of this committee, as well as Editor of the Newsletter & CCA Facebook manager. The committee is looking for more volunteers. The committee had passed along a survey at the January 2015 general meeting and has posted this survey in the newsletter. Feedback results to come out soon.

Planning and Zoning Committee-­‐ Clare Stortini reported that the March 16 Planning Commission meeting will hear details on a permit request for 490 River Street, ROC City Clam Co, who is seeking an outdoor entertainment permit with outdoor seating. Lake to Lighthouse Trail and Overlook Project -­‐ Public Informational meeting Notice -­‐ March 18, 2019 at the Port of Rochester Terminal Building -­‐ there will be an open house display on proposed plans for improvements to the public property and an easement for use as a pedestrian link and scenic overlook to view the lake, the harbor and the lighthouse.   The meeting will be facilitated by James R. McIntosh, P.E. for the City of Rochester.

Brian Labigan, Nominating Committee – addressed voting members regarding filling board vacancies. The CCA board has 3 board openings, 2 Directors and one Vice-­‐President. Brian said there were several people interested in taking these positions. CCA bylaws allow the board to appoint members to the board, but the board felt it was important to ask the voting members if they would desire a special election or board appointments. The openings are for 9 months as each position would be up for election again in December 2015. A vote was taken and the members voted unanimously to allow the board to appoint board members.   Brian said he will contact people who are interested in these positions.

Upcoming Events & Meetings

March 7, 21, 28 10-­‐1:00 pm and March 11 7:00 -­‐ 9:00 pm -­‐ CYAA -­‐ Baseball sign up March 14 -­‐ St Patty’s Day Parade -­‐ Downtown

March 16 -­‐ City Council

March 17 -­‐ PCIC Meeting at Aquinas High School 7:00

March 18 -­‐ Lake to Lighthouse Public Information Meeting -­‐ 5:00 -­‐7:00 March 19 -­‐ Monroe County Parks Advisory Committee -­‐ re: zoo expansion

March 30 -­‐ Special Community Meeting, Community Design Center of Rochester, Robach Center, 7:00 Meeting

Adjourned at 9:31 pm

Pamela Postgate Secretary