Are you tired of confinement? Get moving and learn more about the CCA Youth Engagement Committee! Express yourself and learn new skills. Here’s just a few of the activities we have to offer youth and families:

  • Project S.O.W. Food Gardening with Justice in Mind is a project for teens that introduces them to gardening, with additional foundations in justice and leadership. Young people can expect to learn, lead, collaborate with others, and explore the power of their own voice and a sense of agency as a part of what it means to grow food as a skill for personal and for community empowerment.
  • Food from the garden to the table and pantry is an introduction to what to do with an overabundance of harvested items. Learn how to dry herbs, infuse vinegars, make jam, water bath canning and more
    • Food drive partnerships and collaborations
  • Civic Engagement, with connections to local government. Learn to navigate the channels of local government. Learn who the local leaders are and why local government matters, how technology is used to serve citizens, understand how your voice matters and discover how and where you can make a difference. Yversha M. Roman, Monroe County Legislator for the 26th District, has interactive activities to engage youth and is a member of our youth committee. 
  • Theatre – MT Ed, our new youth program partner and CCA Platinum Sponsor, offers performance opportunities for students in 1st – 12th grade. They are located in the old Penny Arcade building at 4785 Lake Ave. Check out their Facebook page or website!
  • Participate in 4-H community projects that improve your neighborhood Learn by doing!
  • Align with others who share your passions or can help you learn new things, find your niche
  • Public Presentations – help from research to presenting; learn how to find a mentor that aligns with your goals
  • There’s more to discover…join us!

Attend monthly meetings and suggest workshops that identify with your goals; contact Barbara Lake at to learn more.

What is underway for 2021?

New efforts with Leadership Academy youth are “sprouting” in Charlotte!

The Leadership Academy, in partnership with the CCA has developed a School Garden Project under the direction of the Monroe County 4-H program. Vaughn Collins, the Leadership Site Coordinator said, When Barbara Lake shared this wonderful prospect with me of a community garden one morning in March, I couldn’t refuse.” This opportunity for our Leadership students offered new life experiences that some of our students would be interested in. “In my role as the Community School Site Coordinator at Leadership Academy and the conduit between the school and the Charlotte Community, I knew that this would be another occasion to continue to develop this relationship. I also thought ‘which staff member has a relationship with the majority of the students that I can share this with’ and Eric Meister came to mind. Sgt. Meister as he is affectionately called, is the JROTC teacher here at Leadership Academy. When I shared this vision with him, he immediately took ownership of the project. Sgt. Meister exact words regarding this opportunity were “These students are driven by purpose, direction and motivation. This is another ‘leadership opportunity’ for our young men. I can’t wait to see all they can do! I appreciate the partnership with CCA and 4H.” Through this program we would like to teach students discipline, teamwork, responsibility, and science; all of the things that students are learning through the JROTC program.

“Our plan is to grow enough produce and intend to donate some of its harvest to the less fortunate in our community” Vaughn said.  “Whatever way we introduce one of the 4 Pillars of a Community School, help in the creation of a healthier and more equitable resilient school community, I am all in.” 

Shining our Light!

Charlotte Community Association (CCA) Youth Engagement – Why 4-H?

The CCA offers and/or partners with 4-H programming. Why 4-H? This nationally recognized program, America’s largest youth development organization, features positive youth development and mentoring programs to empower over six million youth across the United States. 4-H believes in the “power of young people” and Monroe County has a multitude of benefits for youth age five and up! From skill building, educational showcases, special interest clubs to improve the world around you, nutrition and wellness, scholarships, career exploration and statewide opportunities! Parent’s get involved and embrace “Learning by Doing” while making memories with your kids and their friends. Email: for more information.