We are a “Community That Cares”
What do you care about? Join the new CCA Business Alliance Committee today and help enhance and share Charlotte’s unparalleled natural resources, unique maritime village character, and great businesses like yours.
Let’s care about Charlotte together!
Dear Business Owner:
We need your help to build a stronger, more caring community that has a healthy alliance with its business community. Currently, there is no active business or merchants association in Charlotte, and we believe that needs to change. Your voice, as a business owner, has been missing in our CCA work for too long. To rectify that, we’ve just established a new Business Alliance Committee that will, under the umbrella of the Charlotte Community Association, Inc. (CCA), provide a forum for the merchants in our neighborhood to bring their voices together for a common cause, improving Charlotte for all. We ask you to join us in building this new CCA Business Alliance Committee. We need your help to strengthen our community voice in order to enhance and protect Charlotte’s many assets. Here’s some information you’ll want to know about us:
Our Mission: The Charlotte Community Association provides a forum for local residents and stakeholders to come together and discuss issues and to plan and promote events that occur in this unique and vibrant neighborhood. Charlotte incorporates its maritime and cultural heritage as the City of Rochester’s port and historic waterfront district. The monthly CCA meetings are open to the public; we publish items of interest in our monthly newsletter and on this our website: https://charlottecca.org
Our Vision: A safe, vibrant, and inviting place to live, work and visit; a family friendly community and a year round destination celebrated for its rich history and natural resources.
The CCA has been in existence since1964, and is one of the oldest neighborhood groups in the City of Rochester.
We are a non-profit 501c3 organization that serves the immediate Charlotte community as well as its many visitors from the Greater Rochester area and beyond. Our goal is to promote, share and protect Charlotte’s many assets, including:
- status as an International Gateway at the confluence of the Genesee River and Lake Ontario
- the Port of Rochester harbor and marina area
- Ontario Beach Park and the Robach Community Center
- the Charlotte-Genesee Lighthouse and North River Street
- the entire Lake Avenue business corridor and
- Turning Point Park and the Genesee Riverway Trail
These are just some of the abundant natural resources and assets found in Charlotte that promote health and wellness in beautiful, outdoor surroundings.
There are three schools in Charlotte: Leadership Academy for Young Men (formerly Charlotte High School), Abelard Reynolds School 42, and Holy Cross School. The CCA offers several exciting initiatives to engage our youth with partnerships utilizing best practice resources (i.e. 4H, JROTC) and welcome new partnerships too!
The CCA currently has 11 committees working on these important topics: Beautification, Business Alliance, Communications, Community Development, Governance, Membership, Nominating, Programming & Fundraising, Safety & Security, Scholarship, and Youth Engagement. We’re guessing that some of these topics are important to you, too.
CCA General Meetings are held once a month on the first Monday, with exceptions for 4th of July weekend and Labor Day weekend. The agendas are filled with updates from the City (RPD, RFD, Northwest Service Center, and City Council), updates from local elected officials and various community groups, updates from the CCA Board of Directors and committees. Occasionally there are guest presenters. Each meeting offers time on the agenda for open community discussion on topics of concern. During the pandemic, we’ve been meeting via Zoom and registration is required. To join through Zoom, request your link at infocharlottecca@gmail.com in June 2021, we will meet again in person at the Robach Community Center and live stream for Zoom participants.
You are encouraged to attend any CCA General Meeting that you can, so that your voice as a business owner can be heard. For more targeted advocacy, please consider joining the new CCA Business Alliance Committee to help shape the future of Charlotte. It will cost you nothing except for some of your time. Let us know of your interest, and we’ll get meeting information out to you.
There are multiple ways you can support the organization; through an individual membership, business sponsorship, joining a committee, a donation of any sort, sharing your time and talents, or collaborating on an event. Let us know how we can help connect you with the next steps. Thank you for your time in learning more about us, we look forward to getting to know how we can partner in the future!
Thank you for caring about Charlotte!
Sue Roethel, President Linda Litwak, Director